Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Small Victory for Rowen Thomas!

Today while Rowen was doing his daily "tummy time,"  he lifted his head and pushed his arms up three times! I know this probably doesn't sound that exciting - but we were getting a bit concerned because his head is getting so big. We wondered if he would ever be able to hold up that head on his own! Anyway, I tried to get a picture or video - but of course it happened too fast for me to get it. Maybe next time...

Visit with the Hochbergs

On Saturday, September 24, 2011, we visited with the Hochberg family. It was a nice visit - and all the kids (and Keri & Mark of course) got to hold Rowen and spend time with their little cousin.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

3 Months

Rowen turned 3 months old today. Here are a few recent pictures:

 Rowens Room

 Great Grandma

 Staring at the Baby in the Car

 Go Dodgers!



 Here we are

 Gigglin the Days Away

Life has been pretty calm these past months. Most of our time is spent taking care of Rowen and watching him grow up. We have attempted several outings, some of which were successful (others not so much). For now, we continue to lay low, spending most of our time at home. We are planning a ski trip for the Thanksgiving Holiday. and we are hopeful that Rowen will be "cooperative." We hope that everyone is enjoying these final days of summer (we've heard reports of snow in parts of the Rocky Mountains) and we look forward to seeing many of you during the upcoming holiday season.

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Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Rowen at 10 Weeks

He's getting much, much bigger - and more alert every day. He weighs 12 1/2 lbs. now and is 23 1/2 inches long. He lifts his head, kicks his legs, and dances to Jennifer Lopez and Johnny Cash. He giggles and smiles often! : )