On September 25th, Rowen went for his 15-month check up. He weighed 27 lbs. and was 33 inches in length/height. He was still in the 90th percentile in height.
He is now 16 months - and he has 16 teeth with one more molar on the way. Now that he is walking and talking, it's so funny to be able to have (short) conversations with him. He's really a little person! He even has his own vocabulary...
motorcycle = shysho
pacifier = pa-ki
soccer = shoshow
brush = bwush
sit = shit (woops!)
helicopter = copter
pirate = pi-dat
outside = side
have it = had it
get it = get it (while pointing his index finger)
Every day he does funny things! We watch Sesame Street in the morning and he learns a new number and letter every day. Then he tries to imitate what they do on the t.v. The other day we were watching the Backyardigans and they were talking about a Yeti and singing the STOMP song. Next thing you know he's stomping his feet saying "STOMP STOMP STOMP" and walking around the house yelling "YETI YETI YETI".
At this age, Rowen loves motorcycles, helicopters, balls, shoes, water (swimming in it, drinking it, or playing in it), and helping with chores. He loves to throw clothes in the laundry (pronounced "yaundry") and throw trash in the recycle bin (although sometimes other items end up in the recycle bin ~ like balls and toys).
He also loves to read books. So....if you're sitting on the couch or the floor he assumes you'd like to read him a book. He finds a book and gives it to you and says "me me me" then makes himself comfortable on your lap. If you don't start reading it - he says "read it" then waits for you to start reading.
I'm so grateful that he speaks pretty clearly for a one year old. It makes life a lot easier when they are able to tell you what they want. So, when he's tired - he puts his head on your shoulder and says "ni night". It's so sweet.
(Rowen saying "See You"} |
{on the move}
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While he is a very sweet little boy, he does have a devilish side to him (from Jason, of course). He likes to "sneak" on people around corners. He also thinks it's real fun to run away when he knows you're trying to get his shoes and socks on. I say "come here" and he runs and says "mere mere" with a big smile on his face. Little stinker!
When he does something bad and he gets in trouble - he puts his arms up and says "huggies" to try to get out of trouble. He loves to be chased and frequently says "get you" as he's running away.
As much work as it is to have a toddler ~ I must say they are a lot of fun! He definitely makes sure I get my exercise every day! The Bettendorfs are not sitters!!