On Thursday, April 5th, Rowen had his 9 month check up at the doc. He now weighs 22 lbs. and is 30 inches tall. He is growing like a weed - he's grown 3 inches in the last 3 months! Whenever people ask his age and I tell them, they cannot believe he's only 9 months (and wears size 18 months in clothes). The doc said he's in the 90th percentile for height - so it looks like we might have to start his training in baseball or basketball soon. ; )
He is still not crawling or walking - but the doc said some babies never crawl and she wasn't concerned. He does like to stand against the couch and other furniture, so maybe he will just skip crawling altogether. Who knows? Considering he's a Bettendorf, he may also skip walking too - and go straight to running!! hehe
{Family Photo} |
{Sweet Face} |
{His Newest Trick - the "Mean Face"} |
that's a great family pic!