Friday, September 28, 2012

August Happenings Continued...

On August 25th, we went to a concert in the park with my family in Valencia. It was a Bon Jovi cover band and they were actually pretty good! As you can see from the pics below, Rowen had fun playing with his cousins in the park!

{Kami & Rowen playing with a string}
{Grandma dancing while attempting to take a pic of Keri & Rowen}

August 26th was also a fun day...another beach day!! Here are a few pics of Rowen & Daddy playing in the sand. 

{Daddy dug Rowen his own small pool with a wall to block any incoming water}

{Rowen having fun in his  pool...again}
{Rowen getting wild with his two "Pakis" - pronounced PA-KI}

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