Saturday, October 29, 2011

Black & Whites

 Rowen Thomas


 Wild Baby



 L & J

 Tummy Time





 Mrs. Boehm

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Our Visit to the Pumpkin Patch

Last weekend we visited our first pumpkin patch. Rowen was all set with his hat and sunglasses - ready to see lots of pumpkins and go through the corn maze. After an hour or so, Rowen fell asleep in the carrier but we didn't know he was sleeping cuz his sunglasses are so dark. It was fun to get out of the house and start showing him new places!

Becoming a BIG BOY!

On Sunday, October 16, 2011, we took some pictures of Rowen. He is holding up his head very well and is growing so fast! At his last check up, the doctor said he's still in the 90th percentile for height and weight (he's currently wearing size 9-12 months). As you can see, his hair is also turning more red every day. His learning how to wave bye-bye & how to give a "high five." He smiles and giggles often and is getting to be so much fun!!  : )

Sunday, October 2, 2011

First Week of Fall

Hope everyone has been enjoying the first week of fall. It has been very hot here in California. Rowen and Lisa have been sick this week and they are slowly starting to recover. Great Grandma Diana stopped by for a visit today. Rowen loves all the attention and he smiled and played almost the entire time (even though he is still sick). We were supposed to go out for breakfast/brunch for Lisa's Birthday today, but we didn't make it. She wasn't feeling "up to par." Instead, we just stayed home and tried to relax. We will try to make it out to dinner on Tuesday for her "real birthday" celebration. Hopefully, everyone will be feeling better by then. We are gearing up for the annual St. Anthony festival next weekend and/or for other "fall activities" which are coming up soon.

 Below are a few recent photographs of Rowen/us.